Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Santa Monica Pier

Today the gang went to Santa Monica Pier. Brian said Kyan rode his first ride all by himself. It sounds like it was an airplane ride, but he didn't figure out how to make it go up and down, which probably is a good thing. Pictures will be posted tomorrow about the trip

On a sad note: it sounds like Beckham may not be playing on Saturday, his ankle is still giviug him trouble. Well he better at least be walking across the field or something

This morning when I got out of the shower, I coudl hear one of Kyan's cars going brooommmm bbbrrrroommmm. I said to Brian, is Kyan up or is your mom playing with one of Kyan's cars. Kyan was still in bed...Just kidding, he woke up and Grandma got him out of the crib and was playing on the floor with him when I got out there.


heather said...

awww hes growing up way too fast! i need to get my butt out there and see him

grammy said...

youd like to believe that kyan was up early!!!!!!!!!! the noise probaly woke him........