Here are a few pix of the lil guy's new haircut.
We also went to Travel Town to see and play on the trains. Kyan was outta control, he loved them. We went on the lil train that took you around travel town 3 times.
I think for 4th of July, we are going to Santa Clarita. Brian thought it would be fun to find a parade since Kyan loves flags, so I found one there that also has a pancake breakfast before hand. Sounds fun to me
did kyan just turn 7 years old??????? how cute!!!!!!!!!
by the way, i think kyan is about to start talking in sentences. he's doing a lot more mumbling before a recognizable word comes out.
He looks like a big boy now. Cuteness factor has improved (if that is possible) I can't believe how many teeth he has now too. He's actually a kid, no more toddler.
ok no more hair cuts! it makes him look too old!
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