Monday, July 23, 2007


He shoots he scores!!!!!! Brian scored his first goal in GUNNER history yesterday. It was very exciting. They went into halftime tied at 1-1, then one of their players got hurt so they ran out a gas and had no subs. But Brian scored to tie the game up so that was exciting. They played good for 60 minutes.

The link below is for some pictures of his game and at the Galaxy game, which was very exciting to be at too.

View this slideshow created at One True Media
My Slideshow 7/23/07


Brian said...


Brian said...

oops. hit the wrong button. on the previous post. anyway, the galaxy game was great, especially with both Becks in attendance.
as for the blog, previous pictures of kyan and my mother were deleted because she didn't want her photo on the internet. if anyone else has a problem with this, please let us know and we will make sure they do not get posted., i must go read harry potter.

grammy said...

i love the sequence of the px. it looks like brian really was playing with the Galaxy... SWEET.....Kyan hasnt quite gotten the binocular thing,,

cousin dylan said...

YAY! Bri_Bri invite us to see one of your games!!!! Kyan is SOOOOO cute!!

cousin dylan said...
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Brian said...

thanks dylweed. now i know how much fun it is scoring a goal (like you do). ...and you can come out here any time to watch me play.

Aunt Cindy said...

Hey, you look like a pro out there bri. Give Kyan a couple hours & he'll have those binoculars mastered. He's going to wanna go bug hunting & butterfly viewing.

Anonymous said...

i've been a little behind on the blog but congrats on scoring your first goal!!!!