Friday, July 13, 2007

Guess what we saw last night?

Belated Happy Fourth of July, Kyan made this at school
Brian had soccer practice so Kyan and i went across the street on the way to lake balboa and on our way back I saw a little frog. I showed it to Kyan, who at first was not interested because he was kicking his soccer ball, but then realized, hey that moves. We probably watched it for 20 minutes and we were both squatting down to see it and Kyan would say ribbit ribbit, he tried to touch it once , I think he got it. But it is so small, I didn't want him to squish it. Here are a few pictures from it


grammy said...

dont lil boys keep froggies in their pockets???? check the laundry....

Aunt Cindy said...

He does such fun things now that he's in the big boy room. Pretty soon he'll be reading the blog.

Are you sure it wasn't "Kermit" "Kermit"?