Friday, September 21, 2007

Started Christmas Shopping

I can't stand it, it is sooooo freakin' cute, how am I gonna wait

Guess what Kyan is getting for Christmas? Th messy face picture was of him after he painted the other night, before Brian could clean him, he tried to put his hand in his mouth

View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 9/21/07

Kyan loves to play outside now, I need to put air in the basketball so it bounces better


Aunt Cindy said...

Shhhhhh, Excited much?? Good thing he can't read yet!

Looks like you have a scooter pro already and his balance is incredible for such a young un'. Must have gotten that from his Aunt Cindy. I loved riding on the scooter.

grammy said...

he may need knee pads too....