Kyan got his haircut on Saturday. His hair is nice and short and of course cute. We were gonna go to the zoo after his haircut, but because of the rain, we decided against it, it was a good decision.
Saturday morning into the afternoon, it poured some more. So we made each other run to the back gate with Kyan and back. Of course when Brian went with Kyan, I had to video it.
Sunday, we went to the zoo. It was a very nice day out. They had a spider exhibit called Spider City, the biggest spiders i have ever seen. I took some pictures, some are blurry but maybe that is for the best.
Kyan had a blast running around the "mister" at the zoo. He also discovered some high pitched, squeal that he did in Brian's ear and he said his ears were now ringing. So of course I captured that on video too.
Last night, Kyan wanted to paint. I didn't feel like it, so instead, I whipped out markers. Well he loved those. We used the paper from his easel and the other day I bought a book from Ralph's about how to draw I think it is transportation vehicles. You know they type of book, a line here, a circle there, and wahlaaa a motorcycle. So I would try to draw things from there and at one point Brian came out and made a rude comment like , boy that looks really good, well I wasn't finished but when I was, Kyan was quite happy I made a dump truck, SO THERE. Anyways, Brian came out later and said, I thought you were using markers, not war paint. let's just say, luckily I had a dark blue shirt on and you couldn't see all the marker lines on it. Kyan had lines across his face, his hands were all blue and purple from all the colors, I had a dot of something on my temple. It was quite funny actually.
So those are the pictures and videos you will be seeing.
My Montage 9/24/07
he is just like us...likes to play in the rain! lol well, actually more like heather and megan now cause im not to big of a fan of it anymore.
I love the " chirping" sound he makes.. maybe he's been spending too much time with the should've washed his hair in the rain. remember those days?once again great site..and thanks for the updates.. oh!!!! what a dancer..
Do I have a future dance partner? Quick, Quick, Slooow, Slooow..... He does look almost grown up with the new hairscut.
he's got SOME moves-- what a stud!!! LVOE brian's tee shirt in that one set....... where did he ever get that?!?
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