Kyan also won a gold fish, ok I will be honest, if you play 10 times you automatically win one. He loved it, you can tell by the pictures how much he was in awww to have it. Kyan and Daddy went down the big slide, video coming also. The only thing he didn't like was he went into an attraction which had balls, rope ladder, slides and a few other things and he went to the second level and there was a enclosed slide. We weren't aloud to go in with him, so he got scared, he didn't quite get the enclosed slide. The workers had to help him and bypass the slide and then he finished the fun.
We also went into another attraction, it was one of those things where the floor was uneven, and moved, to start, you had to go through a rotating cirlce thing. You had to walk through it. Ok can you see where this is going??? I was trying to figure out the best way to help Kyan through it. Well I obviously chose wrong. I tried to hold both his hand and I dind't walk fast enough, well I wiped out BIG time, don't worry, Brian got it on tape, YES I think we can win $10K. So I al sliding all around trying to get up, Kyan made it to the other side some how, and I am still floundering. I finally got up and had the worker dude turn off the rotating thing so I could walk through.
Anyways, now that you stopped laughing, here are the pictures
My Montage 7/28/08
1 comment:
I love it !!!!!!! Kyans face looking at the fishie is priceless.... excellent ....cute kids...
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