Here are some updates, Foster is getting big, we take him to the dr on Aug 21 for his 2 month checkup so we will get official stats on him. Unofficially I have him at 23" long according to measuring him on the changing table and 11 1/2 lbs on Aug 1.
Kyan is doing good, still gives Foster lots of hugs and kisses.
These pictures are from around the house, the zoo, dca, and from the fair. As for the videos, there are some fair videos, and yes the infamous one is there.
Brian's soccer team lost its first game, but.... they are still in first place, they are 3-1 I believe. They are playing like a real team now, it is fun to watch how much better the have gotten
My Montage 8/15/08
Yeah, I've missed the updates & pic's. How much they have both grown in 4 weeks! Thanks for sharing with us!
great px.... i think foster is gonna be tall.. he has michael phelps arms....thats a good thing!!!!!kyan sure has fun times,mostly ending up wet!!!!
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