Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boys night out

Brian and Kyan are going to San Diego tomorrow morning and having a sleepover there til Thursday. They are having lunch with one of the old UCLA basketball assistants that is now a coach in SD, then on Thursday they are going to SeaWorld. We ahve one pass left that needs to be used by May31, so they are gonna have a boys day out.

I already told my boss, if I am late Thursday, it is because I am sleeping in, YEAH RIGHT, Brian said, who are you kidding you will still wake up at 6am anyways. True, True, but at least I can pretent

1 comment:

Aunt Cindy said...

Boy oh boy. Sounds like a fun time but I'm siding w/ Brian on you not sleeping in. However, you do have a shot if you stay up past 9:00. :)