Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kyan has pinkeye :-(

I picked Kyan up last night from school, and they said they think he may have pinkeye. When I looked at it, it just looked a little red like if he rubbed it. Well by the time I got home, he had 2 big yellow globs in the corners. So we put medicene in them last night and this am. This morning, when I went to change him, he couldn't even open his eyes, they were sealed shut. His eyes were puffy. And crusty.

Normally, we wouldn't have sent him to school, but we have our big dr appt today and no kids are allowed, so we sent him to school with med and hopefully no one else gets it.


heather said...

aww poor thing =[ i thought i had it too or i had it just not as bad.

heather said...

ps hows baby manatee?

Aunt Cindy said...

Gee, I've "seen" that before. It looks like you all will have greasy eyes for a few days. (deja` vu)

Aunt Jen said...

sending pink eye to daycare-- a teacher's dream come true!! ;o)