Here are some pictures from Christmas. We took some videos too so I will post them after this. He was crazy on Christmas and is still trying to catch up on sleep. He sleeps at night but is still sleepy in the morning and school says all the other kids get up from naptime and he is stil sleeping.
We are getting ready for Toronto. Kyan got snowpants and boots. So I think we just need to pack, I am gonna try to do that on Saturday
I also messed up our flight stuff, I am gonna blame that on preggo brain, but we are leaving here on 1/2 12:10am getting in at 10:30ish Toronto, then coming home 8:30ish on Sunday morning. I am not sure if I just got the cheapest(HAHA) flight I could find or if I just screwed up.
It seems the streak is over, FINALLY. During the streak, I have gotten thrown up on at least 7 or 8 days. He has finally had 2 good days in a row, he did not cough at all last night so that is great news. The night before it started at about 4:30 but wasn't too bad.
Last night I made cupcakes to take to school today for his birthday. he was all upset when i put them in the car this am, I told him at school he will get to eat them. I also saved 3 for us at home.
I picked Kyan up last night from school, and they said they think he may have pinkeye. When I looked at it, it just looked a little red like if he rubbed it. Well by the time I got home, he had 2 big yellow globs in the corners. So we put medicene in them last night and this am. This morning, when I went to change him, he couldn't even open his eyes, they were sealed shut. His eyes were puffy. And crusty.
Normally, we wouldn't have sent him to school, but we have our big dr appt today and no kids are allowed, so we sent him to school with med and hopefully no one else gets it.
Here are some pictures from our holiday party at disneyland, it was fun. Kyan stayed up til about 11:30pm and still at 6:22am he woke up saying momma dadda
Ok for some reason it is cutting on Kyan on the first few pix so I am gonna post them here
Sorry it has been a long time in writing, I think the writer's strike had something to do with it
yesterday we went to moorpark and got a christmas tree and saw santa. We also went on a tractor ride with him. Kyan kept telling him, "tractor ride tractor ride"
we are hopefully decorating the tree tonight, I think we are just putting lights and tinsel. the type of tree we got is a grand fir, which is very cool looking but no where to really put ornaments, it will be pretty
here are some pictures of Kyan with santa and also us eating strawberries on the car