I was talking to Nicole online yesterday and told her I would try to get Kyan to say stuff while I was taping him so here is the best that cam eout of it. Some is good, some, ahhh, not so good
Lil guy is liking his new sleeping routine right now. Last night he was extra tired and went to bed around 8:15 and woke up this am about 7am. We change into hsi pjs, go into his room, put soft music on, and read a few books, then we say night night and put him in his crib. Seems to be working for now
We had a fun weekend. It poured on Friday and Saturday so on Friday night we went for a walk around the block in the rain. Kyan loved the umbrella for some reason, loved holding it, loved saying it.
Kyan got his haircut on Saturday. His hair is nice and short and of course cute. We were gonna go to the zoo after his haircut, but because of the rain, we decided against it, it was a good decision.
Saturday morning into the afternoon, it poured some more. So we made each other run to the back gate with Kyan and back. Of course when Brian went with Kyan, I had to video it.
Sunday, we went to the zoo. It was a very nice day out. They had a spider exhibit called Spider City, the biggest spiders i have ever seen. I took some pictures, some are blurry but maybe that is for the best.
Kyan had a blast running around the "mister" at the zoo. He also discovered some high pitched, squeal that he did in Brian's ear and he said his ears were now ringing. So of course I captured that on video too.
Last night, Kyan wanted to paint. I didn't feel like it, so instead, I whipped out markers. Well he loved those. We used the paper from his easel and the other day I bought a book from Ralph's about how to draw I think it is transportation vehicles. You know they type of book, a line here, a circle there, and wahlaaa a motorcycle. So I would try to draw things from there and at one point Brian came out and made a rude comment like , boy that looks really good, well I wasn't finished but when I was, Kyan was quite happy I made a dump truck, SO THERE. Anyways, Brian came out later and said, I thought you were using markers, not war paint. let's just say, luckily I had a dark blue shirt on and you couldn't see all the marker lines on it. Kyan had lines across his face, his hands were all blue and purple from all the colors, I had a dot of something on my temple. It was quite funny actually.
So those are the pictures and videos you will be seeing.
I can't stand it, it is sooooo freakin' cute, how am I gonna wait
Guess what Kyan is getting for Christmas? Th messy face picture was of him after he painted the other night, before Brian could clean him, he tried to put his hand in his mouth
Brian and Kyan are on their way today to the Natural History Museum. Brian wanted to take him there cause he thought he would love to see all the animals. Saturday, we are taking the lil guy to get his 3rd haircut, it is quite long on top, the back is still ok, but the top needs a trim. Don't worry, we will take pictures. Maybe we can talk Dadda into going to the zoo with us after...
This was a lil car at Catherine's house that we liked to take a spin in. We put trains in the back for safe keeping here is kyan sitting on Scarlet waiting for Dadda to land. We were watching planes take off I think I caught him in mid sneeze, oops.
So we were happily watching the Rutgers game on Saturday when someone, I won't mention names to keep the confidentiality safe, decided to find a new place to play and sit. You tell me where????
here are a couple of pix
Also, Brian had a soccer game yesterday, they lost 4-3 to the first place team. They were down 2-0, cam back 3-2 and then lost 4-3, but someone, again I won't mention any names for confidentiality, scored a beautiful, left footed goal in the upper left hand side of the goal. It was quite pretty. Kyan yelled GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL
Our newspaper delivery boy was a little hesitant to get the paper today. It was about 2 feet in the wet grass, so he reached and reached and finally got it without much touching the cold wet grass.
This was a swing at the park where Brian played soccer this past weekend
this is how he fell asleep last night. I said let's go to bed and he scooched up on the pillow and fell asleep. Of course once i picked him up and put him in bed he cried and cried, but eventually fell asleep
This was a fun motorcycle at Catherine's house during the labor Day BBQ. Also, Kyan was loving the trains everywhere For some reason, these glasses fit Mr Potato Head just fine, but when Kyan puts then on, they are a little small. Hmmmm This is little guy on Saturday so tired so I just left him in the highchair and he fell asleep This was Kyan at that same playground with a digger. he was loving this too
I didn't realize Santa took Metrolink and is hip enough to listen to music. I was gonna take another pic, but then Santa got startled and opened his eyes
I forgot to answe Cindy's post. I didn't go up in Seans's plane, I think it might have been Sean's cousing that took the video, I asked Holly but she hasn't responded yet
Yes that was a real goat up there. It had to be a good 30-40' high. There was a pen where the goats were, then these ramps, and a bigger pen on the other side, they would just walk up and over and down with no problems. It was kinda funny, you would hear clickity clack, clickity clack and look up and see a big goat belly outside of the wood outline. Brian called me yesterday, I went to the bookstore and said the Kyan just counted to 10 all by himself. We have been counting 1,2,3 because he has a little 3 ramp car track so I would say 1,2,3 and he woudl hit the button, but brian said, he said 1,2 3 and kept going. We were shocked. Brian's team lost 3-0 yesterday. The team they played was the team they lost to 5 or 6 nothing in the first week of the season. They just didn't play well, it was kinda blah to watch. They didn't play bad but you never really got the sense they would score. Here is a video I wanted to share of Sean landing his plane Sean Landing
Last weekend I took Kyan to a pick your own farm in Moorpark. It was fun, we picked tomatoes, peppers, green beans and raspberries, and an illegal flower. Here are so me pix from it.
Here was a fun tunnel to walk through and scream, good echoes what is wrong with this picture????
kyan trying his darndest to pull this wagon, he actually made it pretty far before we did it together
Kyan eating yummy strawberries. we ate them all in the car before we got to the tomatoes fields. We ended up buying more cause they were so good.