Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It is very funny. I caught Kyan sining Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way & Happy Birthday, and I think the evil Barney song. He also sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and does hand movements. I will have to try and get those on video and post them. It is quite cute. He smirks we he sees me watching him. And if I sign along, he says "No Momma" then when I stop, he said "Again". I think he confused with what he wants

1 comment:

Aunt Cindy said...

eeks....Is Barney still around??? Maybe daycare is recycling the tapes just to drive parents crazy.

Jingle Bells is just him practicing for next year, as well as Happy Birthday for the big day.

Can't wait for "candid camera".