Ok so we are trying to figure out how to get Kyan to nap on the weekends. Well grammy bought him a cot like he has at school. he loves it. he loves to jump on it, he loves to jump off it, Daisy loves to lay on it, Kyan loves to tuck Elmo in on it, oh but we were talking about sleeping, right....Yeah, not gonna happen. I ended up talking him for a walk on Saturday and all but gave up that he was gonna fall alseep, well about 4 houses away, he fell asleep, I transferred him to the cot and he slept about a hour and a half.
Well yesterday we tried the same thing, still not gonna happen. Finally we went for a walk and he fell asleep at 4:40pm, we got home, out him on the cot, and he slept for about 3.5 hours. the only real reason he woke up was i was kinda trying to get him up since it was now almost 8pm and he would have to go to bed soon, he he.
Here are 2 pix from when we actually was asleep on the cot.
Anybody got any ideas??
awww how cute! i would ask his teachers what they do as far as a naptime routine in class. then try to follow the same routine at home. at my daycare we would shut the lights and put on some sort of slow music. and if any of the kids wouldnt go to sleep by themselves we would sit by their cots and rub their backs.
Take him for a walk around the block, that seems to work! and look at the bright side, it's good exercise too :)
Do you have a special spot to put the cot instead of in the middle of the livingroom where there is always something going on to distract him?
When my kids didn't nap I hit them in the head with a hammer, that knocked them out! (just kidding, I don't need dyfs here)
......well, at least his legs are crossed, giving the viewer the impression that he is, indeed, relaxed....... :o)hahahaha......
Sooooo, what's the verdict.. cot or not to cot?? Is Grammy making use of it now instead? (of course her head & legs would hang off but that may be more comfy than the black one) :)
Well, he sleeps in it once we get him home asleep. no such luck while home though. Grammy does tend to hog it though
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