Kyan is really starting to talk now. We were trying to say 2 words together and he picked up on that pretty good, like Big Truck. Well at Jennifer's he was sitting on the steps and I was on the couch with a couch between us, and he stood up and said "I see you" so now I say, I see a big truck, and he says that too, that is a pretty long sentence for him
Yesterday we finger painted, Grammy got him a new set that has 32 colors, well we used 21 of those 32 colors...Aunt Cindy, your artwork that you have been waiting for may be in the mail soon :-)
Brian's soccer team played very well yesterday, and guess what, THEY WON!!!! Brian had an amazing assist, I didn't see the actual pass but I heard about it from multple sources, I have the pass on tape but not who passed it. He had his back to the goal and back heeled it to a teammate and then he shot and scored. It was great. They won 4-1, and probably should have won more like 9-0
My Slideshow 8/20/07
wow!!! what a great place....looks like tons of fun... kyans mind must be so full of new stuff. its crazy good.
Welcome back from your hiatus. Thanks grammy, I'll get a pic for my fridge too now :)
It's amazing how fast they grow. I wish I remembered my kids when they were that small. He has such a big smile w/ you & Elmo.
Brian seems to have excelled in yet another thing. It's another Dohnster Gooooaaaaaalllll.
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