Yesterday it got to 107, AHHH, more of the same today and tomorrow. Last night I tried to let Kyan cool off, he played a little in the water but had fun just being outside.
Notice red-eye before my online quick class of how to take red-eye out using photoshop. I dunno how artists use that. It is a very storng program but hard to follow if you are a beginner Notice no red-eye, pretty good Here is Kyan saying cheese before he takes a big 'ol bite of banana Yummmm
Kyan is a big boy now and likes to eat bananas like a monkey now. Here are a few pix of him eating it while going to Target.
Sorry I haven't posted many pictures of late, ok none, but that is besides the fact. I will try to take more. There will be a good one Friday, that is for sure!!!!
Yesterday Kyan and I went outback to hose off his highchair which was kinda nasty looking. I gave him the hose. well, that was the end of us, yes, US beign dry. He would hold it and kind of do a throwing like motion and the water would hit me, I would scream and he thought that was very funny, so he would scream and do it again. He had pretty good aim with the hose when I said, do it right here, but then that led to oh wait, let's get momma all wet. At some point, Brian came out because he thought he heard some yelling and screaming in the backyard, well we had to get him involved in the action, so he got a little cooled off too. Sorry, no pictures to post though, I was wet so that wouldn't have been a good idea
Brian had another soccer game yesterday. The team they played was very nasty, trying to get into fights, and pushing and faking fouls. Brian's team was down 2-0, they scored 1 goal, it was a beautiful goal. One guy had a free kick, crossed it right to another guy on the team and he headed it in the corner of the goal, it was "sweet" as they say. It was like slow motion. So that made it 2-1. With maybe 3 minutes left, Brian's team had a corner kick, and a few people tried to kick it and finally Brian got his left foot on it and kicked it in the goal. Yes GOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLL
Not too much to report on Kyan. He had a cold or virus or something, he seems better now. Daycare called the other day and said he had a fever, when I went ot pick him up it was 99.9 in the ear. He seems better now, just some boogies, but that is ok, cause last year, is when he got it all in his chest, so at least now, it is coming out the nose like it should.
Apparently, our little boy was hitting at school yesterday. When Brian picked him up, Miss Sonya told Brian that Kyan was pushing and as they were talking about it Kyan got all quiet and just stared ahead. Before, that, he was happy and playing silly, so he totally knew what they were talking about.
Kyan is bigtime into his cars right now, which he calls Nars, not sure why he doesn't say cars. When he wakes up in the am, pretty much the first thing he says is nars, nars
He wore his Rutgers football jersey to school today. he looked very cute in it. I am sure he won't come home in the same outfit but that is ok
I was looking for a picture of Kyan bundled up in the snow from WV but I couldn't find any, but look how different he looks here just from beginning of Feb. And look, a picture of Kyan with his Aunt Jennifer and he doesn't even look upset!!!
I took Kyan to the Discovery Museum on Saturday down in Santa Ana which is right past Disneyland. He had a great time, lots of fun things to play with and try out. We got to meet Elmo too, so that was an added bonus. When we got up from seeing Elmo, Kyan waved and said "Bye Elmo" It was very cute Kyan is enjoying pudding these days...
Kyan is really starting to talk now. We were trying to say 2 words together and he picked up on that pretty good, like Big Truck. Well at Jennifer's he was sitting on the steps and I was on the couch with a couch between us, and he stood up and said "I see you" so now I say, I see a big truck, and he says that too, that is a pretty long sentence for him
Yesterday we finger painted, Grammy got him a new set that has 32 colors, well we used 21 of those 32 colors...Aunt Cindy, your artwork that you have been waiting for may be in the mail soon :-)
Brian's soccer team played very well yesterday, and guess what, THEY WON!!!! Brian had an amazing assist, I didn't see the actual pass but I heard about it from multple sources, I have the pass on tape but not who passed it. He had his back to the goal and back heeled it to a teammate and then he shot and scored. It was great. They won 4-1, and probably should have won more like 9-0
Here are all the pix and videos from my digital camera. We had a great time in VA, Kyan is still catching up on his sleep, he fell asleep last night about 8:30, I think I fell asleep about 8:35 :-) Daycare said he was very good yesterday so that is good, not too thrown off from his schedule I hope
The plane ride home was good. We did get moved to the back row from Roanoke to Dulles because the seat I picked only had 1 oxygen mask so they had to move us. From Dulles to LA, Kyan was up for about the first 2 hours then fell asleep and woke up when I was trying to gather all our stuff. The stewardess were very nice, they helped me carry stuff off the plane until I got to the stroller to put lil guy in
So the things we did were, go to the pool, go to the safari park, went to VA Tech, went to Jutice's volleyball games, went to Dylan's soccer practice, went to a local park, had ice cream and boy did Kyan have a lot, he mooched off everyone and then chose which one he like the best and kept saying "More Pleease". Turns out he like Dylan's the best.
Kyan was very cute with Justice and Dylan, he would say Dylan all day long and the last few days he would say Justice
A few things to take note of while looking at pix and videos: 1)Justice's Victoria Beckham hairdo 2)Dylan's double ankle bones 3)Poppy's nasty wax-like feet 4)Jennifer smiling and posing with the llama's right before the big attack 5)While Dylan is playing the Harry Potter song on the piano, look in the back ground as Jen passes by
Well I just printed out our boarding passes, so we just gotta pack then we are ready. we had a great time, did lots of fun things. Got to see Dylan at soccer practice, Justice play volleyball, Grammy and Jen and Evans play Wii. Kyan now picks up the Wii remote and swings it like he is playing. I will post pictures once I get to work, it is too slow to upload pictures from here. We also got to see our Uncle Eddie who i haven't seen in about 10 years and my Aunt Diana since I was about 12 or so.
We went to the safari yesterday, it was really hot but very fun. We took a wagon ride that you get pulled by a tractor(kyan was in heaven) and then we drove our car through. Ostrich's are quite big and lets just say not pleasant to look at up close. Toward the end, we had this one ostrich wouldn't leave us alone so we couldn't feed the llama's that wanted food, finally another car came and we moved forward and the ostrich went to the other car. We rolled down the windows to feed the llama's. They were pretty tame and relaxed. Then Jen rolled down her windows and she was feeding the llama's, well guess who came back a little too quick for us. Jen was screaming AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH at the top of her lungs, trying to get her window up, well the darn thing got its beak caught in the windows ase Jen was getting the window up. It tried to shake its head loose, finally the 2nd time it did and then got it out, and left. He got in front of the car and spread his feathers all puffy and kept shaking its head. It walked far away and kept shaking its head like what the heck just happened. We got past the gate and dylan and i got out to throw our buckets back in the basket and the ostrich and we took close ups of him cause now him and jen have an understanding and are best friends.
yesterday we went to virginia tech and visited the memorial that was there and saw them working on the permanent one. it was very cool. kyan felt moved...they had flowers all around the rocks that they had one for each victim and he had a flower that he was playing with and wanted to get down and he put it on one of the rocks, it was very sweet of him.
on a happyier note, we were on campus eating at a pizza place and kyan kept yelling R U R U R U R U
it was quite funny
today we are going to the zoo once justice gets out of volleyball practice and dylan is done with piano lessons and later we care going to dylans soccer practice, apparently they had a nice plyaground over there
we made it, we made out on the redeye. the lady next to us moved seats to be with her hubby so we got 2 seats, yahooooo' kyan slept the whole way. on the nnext flight, there was no seat 1C, so we got to sit in first class, even though it was for 30 minutes, it was still fun.
yesterday, we went to the park, played on the playground, dipped our toes in the roanoke river, went to the pool, and went back to jen's to hang out.
today we are going to va tech to see the memorial stuff and walk around.
brian had a soccer game yesterday, they lost 4-2 but he scored once and almost twice, he said they let up 4 goals in the first half and none in the 2nd and said they had a ton of chances to score but nobody could put it on net. but he said they played a lot better, and each week they are getting better and better and apparently next week they will have a new guy that plays goalie so that is good
Well Kyan went back to the dr, and she said it basically take 7 days to run its course and it is how we get fever sores on our lips, well his affected his mouth and it is red, and very painful. So hopefully by Saturday he will be better cause that will be 7 days. poor little guy, at times he is miserable. We are gonna give him good stuff tonight like, pudding and jello and ice cream
the lil guy is still having lots of pain in his mouth, he will pretty much only drink milk, eat apple sauce and yogurt. he won't even eat bananas and you all know how much he loves banana's. Brian is gonna call the dr again tomorrow to give her an update. Hopefully he did ok at school today.
Brian is picking him up a little early to drop him off at work, then kyan and i are gonna take the train home, since Brian has soccer practice, so hopefully he will like that