Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long time No BLOG....

But not to worry, I am updating it today with a lot of pictures

Sorry I haven't written in a while, things are quite busy at work.

On Snapfish, there are photos from the "boy trip" to NJ, our trip to AZ and I think some other random photos.

In AZ, I took Kyan and Foster to a Christmas parade in Tempe while Brian worked. I was telling Kyan about Christmas and Santa. And if you are good, you get presents from Santa. Well as you know, we bribed him when he was potty training with "presents" each time he pooped on the potty. So after I explain to him a few times that Santa brings presents, I told him on Christmas morning you get presents, and he responds with, "I gotta poop for presents?" I told him, no, you need to be good for presents. It was the funniest thing, then he says "Oh, I be good for presents, don't have to poop for presents" It was very funny

Another funny thing, when we were driving home, yes 8.5 hours later... near Palm Springs where all the WindMills are, it was dark out and we couldn't really tell if Kyan was asleep or not, he kinda looked it fro him body posture and I know he was getting tired. But all the sudden, we hear in his cute little excited voice, "I see WINDMILLLLLLLLLS" I turned to Brian as he turned to me, we both said, I don't think he is asleep. Then Kyan would go on to say I see more windmills



Aunt Cindy said...

To be a fly on the wall for the P&P conversation. That is priceless. I am not surprised he put two & two together. His thought process is amazing!

I did have tons of fun with Kyan while he was here.

BTW.....Yes, it was that cold at the game!(incase you couldn't tell)

Thanks for all the great pics.

grammy said...

Very cool px... those rocks were amazing...Kyan prob. wonders i was freezing cold last week.. now im out here in my shorts????? Foster is getting chubby.. very cute..