We had a BIG BIG weekend. Kyan is now in his big boy bed. And so far it has been a huge success. He pretty much couldn't contain himself as Brian was putting it together, climbing all in it and around it, "helping dadda." He even went and got his hammer and drill and was helping. Finally, after it was all together, Kyan got to play in it. That night I put him to sleep, not sure if it was preggo brain or what, but I let him lay in his bed while I read to him while sitting on the floor. We have always read to him while we sit on the rocking chair and then go to the crib from there. So when he finally laid down, he put his arm around my head and arm and fell asleep, it was totally cute, accept for my back was starting to ache as I was stuck in that position until he was out.
The next night, I got him to sit on the rocking chair with me. We read, and when we were done, I put him in his bed, he was still awake, but I guess he was ready for bed, he laid there and fell asleep.
Last night, he never took a nap yesterday, so about 8:25ish, he came out with his thomas pillow, blanket and a book, I didn't get through the book and he was out by 8:35, so i just put him in bed and he slept through the night again.
He is also into his Dolly right now, for about the past week, he plays with her all the time. Sits her on his desk and gives her a train, puts her on his shoulders, pushes her in the shopping cart. Maybe he is getting ready for being a big brother.
I can't really tell if he likes his big boy bed from the videos. It may take a few more to really convince me.
Something about Dolly reminds me of Justice & Dylan. (Could be the hair or just that she's cute) Does he know something we don't?
What's with the rain? Those boots are coming in handy. I kept waiting for one to come flying off at the videographer.
How many monkeys jumping on the bed????? the dresser looks great too...
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