Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and other things

Halloween was fun, Kyan had to warm up to the idea of going to houses and saying trick or treat. We went to Alice's and then Brian took Kyan to her neighbors house, well Kyan wanted Brian to go up and say trick or treat, while he stayed on the drive way. Well teh lady met them half way.

Then we hung out at Alice's for a while. Then went next door, they had no candy :-( then we went to some other houses on our street that had the lights on, pretty much all of them had candy or something for Kyan except one house, didn't have candy. We got playdough at one house, black and green.

So then we went to the church that we pass going to school everyday that said they were having a halloween festival, with a bouncy house, and games, and food. So we went there, again it took Kyan a little while to warm up to it but then he had fun. He was crazy in the bouncy house. They let a certain number of kids in, then they go up the step to the slide and slide out , that was the exit. Well by the end, there were bigger kids doing sommersaults down there, so by the end of Kyan's night, he was going down head first on his belly and then rolling. He was one sewaty looking kid, but he had fun.

Also, Grammy got Kyan a chair that won't tip over so much, apparently it is quite comfy, or he was that tired. I will let you figure out what picture or 2 I am referring too. Kyan also got his "haircut like dad's" He is totally cute. Last night, he was eating Doritos with no shirt on and jeans on, what a little hottie

The parade at school was very cute, kinda total mayhem. There are pictures from that. Some pictures are of random things.

Foster is doing good, he has had green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas and cereal so far. He likes them all as far as we can tell.

My first week back to work was fine, everyone told me how much they missed me and am glad I am back, that is always nice to hear.

Lotsa Pictures