Kyan and Foster are doing great. Kyan is adjusting well and loves to kiss Foster and check on him and make sure he is ok. He likes to kiss him and make sure he still has his toes and hands
let me give you a little info on how things went before the delivery.
on Friday. I took a nap and woke up around 4pm. My stomach felt kinda blah, almost like cramps but it was more of a constant pressure that wouldn't really go away. I wasn't crampy, but more of a constant pressure that just felpt different from before. I think I have felt it before, but for some reason, it wouldn't really go away. I called our Dr and like you found our he wasn't on call until 9pm that night, kinda shocking. Anyways, the dr on call called back and this was one of the days that we lost power and was hot out again, so she wanted to make sure it wasn't dehydration. She said go home(we were picking up Kyan) drink water, lay down and see if it goes away. If it doesn't go away, go to the hospital and have them monitor you to see if you are having contractions. I tried that, also ate something, since if we were going to the hospital, I wanted to make sure I ate a little something. The feeling didn't go away. So we went to the hospital around 7pm.
When the checked me I was 2 cm, when I went to our dr on Wed he said there was no real changed from the last week, so at least we know something was brewwing.
They called my dr and waited until aroudn 9pm and he said if I wanted to stay I could or we could monitor things from home. With now feeling the contractions, I felt much more comfortable staying there since we asked what we would be looking for at home. we decided, it is not like you are gonna go home to sleep, since you are feeling pain, I would rather stay if that was ok.
We good thing we did. It was kinds funny, I was laying there thinking, hmm, I don't really feel any contractions for a while, except for 2 not too long ago. Well, I got up to pee and thought, hmm, something is a little moist down there. I looked on the bed and there was yellowish mustard color here and there. Brian went out to get the nurse to see if my water broke. She sadi yup, back in bed. Said it looks like the baby pooped inside. So now when the baby comes they will have th NICU team here to check the baby and slurp out the lungs and whatever else of the meconium if there was any there. So after they cleaned that all up, she checked me again and I was 5cm. Yahooo, we are getting somewhere, and we were thinking, boy I am glad we didn't go home.
So my water broke at 1:25am, after that, they called for an epidural since I didn't want to get too far ahead before they say nope too late. So the epidural was in at about 2:10am, the catheter put in right after that(you do't feel anything) now at least I don't have worry about peeing anymore.
So as it was getting later, like around 5-6am, I could feel a littel more pressure towards my bottom. No urge to push but more like someone was pushing on me lightly. We told the nurse, she checked me again, and we have been telling them how Kyan came quick. She said OK, no pushing, we are calling Dr Kohn NOW to get here. He came in about 6:50, checked me, said yup we are ready. They got the last minute things ready and we soon started to push. He had to tell me when since I couldn't feel the contractions. I think we pushed 4 rounds worth and Foster came out at 7:04am
We didn't know whether the baby was a boy or a girl, cause the NICU team was doing their thing, while just his head was out, then the cord I think was around the neck, not babdly, then it was dangling down his body when they put him on me. Brian was saying, I can't tell what it is, I can't tell, they moved the cord, and the reast was history.I would say little Foster was here but I guess we shoudl say Big Foster is here.
So he was born 8lb 15 ounces, but left the hospital 8lbs 5 ounces. We go to the ped on Thursday to have hsi first appt beside when she saw him in the hosp.
So that is the quick version of the story.
here are the pictures we took
Foster and Kyan 6/21/08